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Why choose psychotherapy?

If you are reading this, chances are you have some unresolved thoughts, dilemmas or a mental health condition that you want to talk about to someone in confidence, in a non-judgemental space. You might be looking for a person who understands what you are going through – symptoms which you experience but can’t put a name to, much like a medical practitioner who can judge the underlying problem from the symptoms you present. Psychotherapy is part of the ‘talking therapies’ now widely available to all of us. You choose the therapist based on your concerns (stress, anxiety, depression, abuse, anger management, for example), issues going on in your life (bereavement, dealing with chronic illness, alcoholism), or things that happened in the past or in your childhood that hold you back emotionally or mentally and you wish to resolve these, to move on with your life (attachment trauma, absent parent, childhood sexual or emotional abuse).

Psychotherapy can help you to:

  • Understand what you are going through and why
  • Resolve the dilemmas that are holding you back, stopping you from moving forward in your life
  • Come to terms with difficult life changes such as divorce, loss of a partner, chronic illness, or even going through profound world changes that impact your life, for example, the pandemic we are all living through right now
  • Understand the things in your past, accept them, and break the cycle of self-sabotage so you can move towards a more fulfilling life

Psychotherapists are able to help in a number of flexible ways that work best for your life circumstances. You can have face-to-face sessions or if you prefer anonymity, you can have online or telephone sessions. Group counselling is also an option if you wish to share your problems with those facing the same challenges as yourself, such as alcoholism or low self-esteem due to being overweight, body shaming etc.

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